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Billing Status

Billing Quick Check

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over a week ago

The Billing Status insight can be used as your billing quick check. This will allow you to review if any updates need to be made prior to running billing.

To access this insight, navigate over to the Revenue page.

From here, you'll be able to quickly review whether your accounts have been assigned fee structures and grouped in billing groups. You can also run billing and view billing reports from here. 

Under Fee Structures, accounts with fee structures will be green and accounts without fee structures will be orange. If you have any accounts without fee structures, select the Fee Structures hyperlink and it will direct you to the Assign Fee Structures page. From here, the accounts without fee structures will automatically populate at the top of the table. Then you can assign the appropriate fee structure to those accounts.

Under Billing Groups, accounts that have been grouped will be green and accounts that have not been grouped will be orange. If you have any ungrouped accounts, select the Billing Groups hyperlink and it will direct you to the Billing Groups page. From here, the accounts that have not been grouped will automatically populate at the top of the table. Then you can group those accounts with the appropriate billing group. 

By selecting Run Billing, you will be directed to the Run Billing page, where you can input period type, billing report date, and run billing. 

Scroll down to view Billing Reports, where you can select a specific billing report to review. 

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