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Run Billing

Quick guide for how to calculate your fees and run billing

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over a week ago

In order to generate Billing Reports, you need to run billing. Make sure you've assigned fee structures and billing groups to all accounts before running billing, otherwise those assets will not be included in your reports. As a precaution, Atlas warns you if it detects any missing assignments.

You can navigate to Run Billing from the Revenue tab → Run Billing.

If you have accounts without fee structures or billing groups, you will first be prompted to assign fee structures and/or billing groups to those accounts.

To Run Billing, you will choose the Report Period Type, or the time period on which to run billing. Most likely you will default to Standard (End of Month or Quarter), which automatically looks at your fee structures to determine if you run billing monthly or quarterly (or both). 

Then, choose the month and year of the period for which you will be taking values. For example, if you bill quarterly in advance based on ending period values and you want to bill for April, May, and June; selecting March will correctly give you end of March account values and bill for the number of days in April - June.

If not billing on a regular month or quarter end, choose Exact Date from the drop down under Report Period Type and enter the exact date on which you wish to bill below.

If you wish to create invoices, select the box next to Create Invoices. If you do not wish to run invoices, deselect the box. Additionally, you can configure whether or not these invoices are ever visible to clients in the Client Portal by going to the appropriate Settings.

Note: Some advisors will run a 'test billing' before they run their official billing. In this case they will deselect the Create Invoices box, so that the test run doesn't create invoices.

Once you have selected your time period and chosen the appropriate invoice settings, click Run Billing Report and Atlas will begin to calculate your fees and generate your billing reports.

Ongoing Tasks in the upper right corner of your dashboard will display the status of your billing run. When finished, a notification will appear at the top of your screen. 

To review your Billing Reports, you can scroll to the Billing Reports section of the Billing page. To review your invoices, select Invoices at the top of the Billing page. 

When you navigate to View Billing Reports, you should see something similar to this:

When you are ready to collect your fees at the custodian, you can download your Fee Upload File by clicking on the three dots to the right of your Billing Report.

Select the three dots and hit Download Fee Upload to create a .zip file of your fees, pre-formatted and ready to upload to your custodian(s) for collection.

You can also Download Invoices to bulk download invoices from a particular billing date.

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