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Assigning Fee Structures

How to assign fee structures to your clients' accounts

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over 3 years ago

Each account must be assigned a fee structure in order to successfully run billing. If an account is not billed, it will need to be assigned a "No Fee" fee structure. 

Atlas automatically checks to ensure all accounts have been assigned fee structures and will prompt you to assign fee structures to any accounts that are missing them.

You can assign multiple fees to an account, given all fee structures have the same collection type (e.g., arrears, advance) and frequency (e.g., monthly, quarterly). Atlas will automatically check for this too. 

To assign fee structures, begin by navigating to the Clients tab of the Clients page. Make sure you're in Accounts view.

Using the checkboxes in the far left column, select the accounts for which you wish to assign a particular fee structure(s). Select all by ticking the box in the header row.

Use Table Features to easily find desired accounts and households.

After selecting the desired account(s), click the Actions button → Bulk Actions → Assign Fee Structure.

Use the dropdown to choose the desired fee structure(s). If you have not yet created the fee structure you wish to assign, please see Create a Fee Structure, as fee structures must be created before they may be assigned. Select Assign Fee Structure to finish.

Note: Billing is not set up to allow fee structure with different periods (i.e. monthly and quarterly) in the same group. You may need to change the frequency on the No Fee Structure in order to ensure billing is run properly.

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