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Morningstar: Historical Data Report

Morningstar: Retrieving Historical Data Report (Global Account Performance Review)

Gunner Kropholler avatar
Written by Gunner Kropholler
Updated over a week ago

Global Account Performance Review (Report)

In order for BridgeFT to upload Historical Data provided from Morningstar we currently require a “Global Account Performance Review” report to be run for each month of data requested.

The steps to generate this report are as follows: (Screenshot provided below)

  • Reports > Management Reports > Global Account Performance Review > Practice

  • Please select the month of data you are looking for, and save that report, and then run it again for the next month of historical data.

  • Repeat this process until all of the months of historical data have been downloaded through this Global Account Performance Review report, and then send all of the reports to our team at BridgeFT.

For example: If you are looking for 3 years of historical data, then please run this report for each month in those 3 years (12 months x 3 years = 36 total reports). Then please send those reports to our team, and we will consolidate and work on ingesting each report for all of your accounts.

Once our team receives these reports it will take us some time and labor to process all of the data so please be patient. Depending on how much data is provided our typical turnaround time here is 5-10 business days to process all of the reports and data provided.

Please let our team know if this information is not up to date or if you have any suggestions how we can improve this article. As we don't have access to Morningstar, we rely on our partners and onboarding clients to continue to keep this current. We greatly appreciate your help in doing so.

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