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User Management

How to add and mange users

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over a week ago

We consider users to always be people within the advisory firm. We refer to your clients as end-clients. Users can be restricted to a subset of accounts or have access to all accounts on the platform.

Navigate to Firm Users under the Firm Settings page.

Adding a user

Click the Invite button in the upper right corner on the Firm Users table.

Enter the new user's information and designate which accounts they will have access to and, optionally, set their role. See Role Management for more details on roles.

Click invite to send an invitation to join Atlas to the email you provided. This email will provide the new user with steps to set up their account, which is simply creating a password.

Account accessibility

To view or edit a User's account accessibility click their Name.

For Users that are Owners, they automatically have All Client Accessibility. If a user is not an Owner, use the dropdown under Accessible clients to change which clients can be viewed by this user.

The All Clients option will allow this user to view all accounts at your firm. If you select Subset of Clients, you will be prompted to choose which clients should be available to view for this user.

To change a user's role, select from the dropdown of existing roles next to where it says Role.

On this page, you can also update this user's permissions. A checked box means this role will have access to that feature. Use Check All or Uncheck All buttons at the bottom of each section for ease.

Be sure to click Save.

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