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New User FAQ

Common questions from advisors just starting on Atlas

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over 3 years ago

What type of returns are on my reports? Bridge adheres to GIPS standards, so we use time-weighted returns.

Does Atlas use trade date or settlement date accounting? Atlas uses trade date accounting, a standard practice for portfolio accounting systems. This  means we account for transactions on the day they occur, not the day they settle. This can sometimes cause discrepancies with custodian statements for end of period values because custodians report on settlement date accounting. Most custodians report unsettled trades in a "pending trade" section of their regular statement.

Can I customize or change the name of an account or household? Absolutely! We default display the name of accounts to whatever they appear at the custodian. If you'd like to change the name of either and Account or Household, see this article.

You can also change an account type by following these steps here.

Can I change the accounts in a household? Yes! We do not currently enable these changes directly on Atlas. Send us a note or message us with your desired changes and we are happy to help. Please note, household changes require recomposing household performance records. This can sometimes take a bit longer than a quick name change, and it will not update previously generated PDF reports.

To learn how to map an account to a household, see this article.

The printable report I just ran is not showing up in Download. Where did it go? Atlas is a web app, sometimes it finishes working on something before the browser refreshes (we work regularly to reduce any lag time between the application and your browser). Try refreshing the page, then to find the most recent report, sort by the Created Time column. If you are still having trouble drop us a line!

Why is my ending balance different than Atlas? Differences in ending balance are most often due to accruals or pending transactions. The custodian does not account for these in the ending period balance. Atlas uses trade date accounting, thus it will account for these transactions on the day they occur. If you have questions about a balance discrepancy, please reach out to us.

Do I need to run my billing the first day of the new month/quarter? No. Bridge stores your end of month holdings so you do not need to capture these as of the first day of the new month/quarter.

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