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Navigating Accounts

How to organize and access account details

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over a week ago


Navigating to the Clients page brings you to a table of your active Accounts.

You can also learn to change an account name or delete an account. To locate accounts not assigned to a billing group see this article.

The default Accounts table lists account level data including account number, type, household, custodian, inception date, balance, fee structure, and billing group.

Clicking an account name will bring up an Account Details page (shown below). You can jump into a web report for this account by clicking View web report.

Scroll down on the Account Details page to view Appraisals, Allocation History, Unsupervised Securities, and any previously generated printable Reports for this account.

Held-away Accounts

Please see Held-away Accounts for more information.

Change an Account Name

Should you need to change the name of an Account once it's been created, head over to the Accounts View on the Clients Page and scroll to the far right of your Accounts table. There, you will see the edit icon that will allow you to update any Account name.

Make sure to hit Save when you're done.

Adding an Account to a Household

From the Accounts tab on the Client's Page, select which account(s) you'd like to map to a new household. On the top right, click Actions โ†’ Map to Household

From here, you'll be able to select a new household for that account. Hit Save.

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