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Generating Web Reports

How to generate individual interactive web reports

Chelsea Flood avatar
Written by Chelsea Flood
Updated over a week ago

Web Reports present data interactively, for any time period, and generate faster than printable reports. Web Reports are run for one account or household at a time.

To learn how to generate multiple .pdf reports in bulk, see Generating Printable (PDF) Reports

To run a web report, navigate to the Reporting page from the top menu bar.

From the Web Reports tab, choose the desired account or household, sub-reports, and time period. The default for sub-reports can be changed in Report Settings. The default time period is the current year to date.

Time periods available for selection include yearly, monthly, and quarterly intervals. You can also run a web report for a custom time period by clicking select a custom period and selecting start and end dates either through the clicking the calendar or typing the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Once satisfied with your selections, click Run Web Report. You will now be able to scroll down and navigate all of the features of your report.

For further help on reports, you can navigate to our Reporting Walk-Through Videos here

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